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Thoughts & Inspiration

Many of you don’t know this side of me—many of you do. But as pretty much all of you know, I don’t really cuss anymore. I don’t mean EVER (when I’m super frustrated, a “bloody” or “crap” might slip out), but I don’t cuss like a sailor the way I used to.

Well, Facebook generated a memory for me, reminding me where I was seven years ago. I used the “s” word in the post. That was in January 2012. Back then, I couldn’t say a sentence without dropping the F-word, and I loved taking God’s and Jesus’ names in vain.

When the Lord started to get a hold of me in 2013, the desire to cuss left me—I had never wanted it to leave (I loved cussing! I was proud of my potty mouth), but the desire began to fade as soon as I started pursuing Jesus. When I was born-again, the shift was even more dramatic. Even my friends started noticing the difference without my really even talking about it! I had changed—not because I set out to change, but because the Bible is true, and it says that any who are in Christ are a new creation. The old has passed away, the new has come.

Now, again, that doesn’t mean PERFECT has come. I am still far from perfect, still lots of refining to be done, but I am so thankful that I no longer have a potty mouth like that. Now, I can have conversations with people of any age or any background, in any setting, and not have to stop and worry and think back and wonder…Did I drop the F-word? Did I say the S-word?

You can’t imagine the types of situations where I used to panic because I couldn’t remember if I had cussed…like a job interview! I came out of a couple of job interviews thinking I had surely cussed but honestly couldn’t remember (it was just that second nature to me). Or at school in front of teachers, or in front of my friends’ parents. 

Living life in the light is a relief. I’m not longer filled with darkness, I’m filled with His Spirit. I wanted to share this because Jesus is God, and He really is who He says He is. THANK YOU, JESUS! He gets ALL the glory!